
The Ribbon is the glue for everything in this library and thus the most important control. It contains your menu, tabs, contextual tabs and so on. Below is a small sample:

            <Fluent:Backstage />
    <Fluent:RibbonTabItem Header="Tab">
        <Fluent:RibbonGroupBox Header="Group">
            <Fluent:Button Name="buttonGreen" 
                           Icon="Resource-Path to your small icon for this button"
                           LargeIcon="Resource-Path to your large icon for this button" />
            <Fluent:Button Name="buttonGray" 
                           Icon="Resource-Path to your small icon for this button"
                           LargeIcon="Resource-Path to your large icon for this button" />

The code above produces a Ribbon with a single tab, one group and two buttons.